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Live Oak Gardens, Ltd.
Wholesale Nursery
spider lilies | common mophead hydrangeas | 3 gallon compacta nandinas |
7 gallon Cephalotaxus prostrata | 7 gallon Cephalotaxus 'Fritz Huber' | 20141205_092929.jpg |
3 gallon Butterfly Iris | Brilliance Autumn Fern | 1 gallon Rosy Maidenhair Fern |
3 gallon Macho Fern | 3 gallon Confederate Jasmine | 3 gallon Indigo |
3 gallon Getty White Agapanthus | 25 Gallon Sweet Viburnum | 25 Gallon Orange Island Live Oak |
15 gallon Sweet Viburnum | 15 gallon Skinner's Banana Shrub | 15 gallon Little Gem Magnolia |
3 gallon Green Shell Ginger | 15 gallon Podocarpus | 3g Blue Diddley dwarf Vitex |
3 gallon Ming Asparagus | 3 gallon Umbrella Plant | 3 gallon Golden Crest Strelitzia |
7 gallon Hope Philodendron | 25 Gallon Italian Cypress | 1 Gallon Dianella |
Hope Philodendron | 20150326_141248.jpg | 3 Gallon Fig Ivy |
25 Gallon Gracilis Bamboo | DD Blanchard Magnolia | Louisiana grown Sylvester palm |
Louisiana grown Sylvester palm | 7 Gallon Podocarpus | Pindo Palms |
20141205_092430.jpg | Oldhamii Giant Timber Bamboo | Tropical Giant Spider Lily |
Blue Podocarpus | 20141112_133913.jpg | 20141112_133905.jpg |
15 Gallon Standard Dahoon hollies | 15 Gallon Standard Eagleston hollies | Sylvester palm field |
15g Evergreen Wisteria | 25 Gallon Chinese Parasol | 25 Gallon Oldhamii bamboo |
Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum | 3 Gallon Dolchica Spiraea | Blue Gem Westringia |
3 Gallon Snow Queen Hibiscus | 3 Gallon Cuban Gold Duranta | Horsetail Rush |
3 Gallon Common Hydrangea | Merritt Supreme Hydrangea | 3 Gallon Nandina compacta |
Buzz Series Buddleia | 25 Gallon Macarthur bottlebrush | Acadiana Hollies |
45 Gallon Ligustrum | 25 Gallon East Palatka standard | Knockout Roses |
7 Gallon Elaeagnus | 7 Gallon Variegated Pittosporum | Bougainvillea |
Acadiana Holly | 1054_edited.jpg | Japanese Magnolias |
7 Gallon Cone Cuban Gold Duranta | Whitewater Acanthus | 1037.jpg |
Stromanthe Triostar | Purple Queen Setcresea | 25 Gallon Japanese Maple |
36" box Mule Palm | 25g Skinner's Banana Shrub | 15 Gallon Dahoon Holly |
3 Gallon Dwarf Papyrus | 25 Gallon Canary Island Date Palm | Nandina compacta |
Rhoeo - Moses in the Boat | Australian Tree Fern | 3 Gallon Green Shell Ginger |
3 Gallon Variegated Shell Ginger | 15 Gallon Hannah Ray bottlebrush std | 3 Gallon Purple Fountain Grass |
Fortune Finder LA Iris | Jeri LA Iris | Peaches N Wine LA Iris |
Field grown Japanese Magnolia | 3 Gallon Blue Agapanthus | Dwarf Variegated Pittosporum |
Butterfly Iris | Sabal Blackburniana | Pindo Palm |
3 Gallon Sabal minor 'Louisiana' | Alphonse Karr bamboo | Sylvester palm |
3 Gallon Princess Caroline grass | Fieldgrown Windmill Palms | Leatherleaf and Chinese Mahonia |
Chinese Mahonia | Windmill Palms ready for shipment | Orange Bird of Paradise |
3 Gallon Blue Podocarpus | 15 Gallon Evergreen Wisteria | 25 Gallon Sweet Viburnum |
3 Gallon Blue Gem Westringia |
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